”صبح جو واعدو“: ماءُ جي پيار جو سونهري پنجري

“You can’t love one person so much. Even if it’s your mother.» In April, on the big screens of some cities, you can still see «The Promise at Dawn» — a careful adaptation of Romain Gary’s book about the great, all-consuming and destructive maternal love.

ماءُ پنهنجي پٽ سان پيار ڪندي آهي. سختيءَ سان ، نرميءَ سان ، ٻوڙيندي. قربانيءَ سان، گهرائيءَ سان، پاڻ کي وساري ڇڏڻ. هن جي ماء پنهنجي عظيم مستقبل جو خواب ڏسي ٿو: هو هڪ مشهور اديب، فوجي ماڻهو، فرانسيسي سفير، دلين جو فاتح بڻجي ويندو. ماءُ پنهنجي خوابن کي سڄي گهٽي ڏانهن ڇڪي ٿي. گهٽي کلندي ۽ جواب ۾ کلندي.

The son loves his mother. Clumsily, quiveringly, devotedly. Clumsily trying to follow her precepts. Writes, dances, learns to shoot, opens the account of love victories. It is not that he lives — rather, he tries to justify the expectations placed on him. And although at first he dreams of marrying his mother and breathing in deeply, “the thought that the mother will die before everything she expects will come true” is unbearable to him.

آخر ۾، پٽ هڪ مشهور اديب، فوجي ماڻهو، فرانسيسي سفير، دلين جو فاتح بڻجي ٿو. صرف اهو ئي آهي جيڪو ان جي تعريف ڪري سگهي ٿو هاڻي زنده نه آهي، ۽ هو پاڻ ان مان لطف اندوز نه ٿو ڪري سگهي ۽ پنهنجي لاء جيئرو رهي.

The hero’s mother does not accept her son as he is — no, she sculpts, forges an ideal image from him

The son fulfilled and will fulfill not his own — his mother’s dreams. He made a promise to himself to «justify her sacrifice, become worthy of her love.» Blessed once with crushing love and suddenly deprived of it, he is doomed to yearn and acutely experience his orphanhood. Write words she will never read. Perform feats that she will never know.

If you apply psychological optics, «Promise at Dawn» looks like a story of absolutely unhealthy love. The mother of the hero Nina Katsev (in reality — Mina Ovchinskaya, on the screen — the brilliant Charlotte Gainsbourg) does not accept her son as he is — no, she sculpts, forges an ideal image from him. And it doesn’t matter what it costs her: «The next time someone insults your mother, I want you to be brought on a stretcher.»

The mother unconditionally, fanatically believes in the success of her son — and, most likely, thanks to this, he becomes what the whole world knows him: a military pilot, a diplomat, one of the most popular writers in France, twice a laureate of the Goncourt Prize. Without her efforts, world literature would have lost a lot … but is it worth it to live your life trying to live up to other people’s expectations?

رومين گيري 66 سالن جي عمر ۾ پاڻ کي گولي هڻي ڇڏي. پنهنجي خودڪشي نوٽ ۾، هن لکيو ته: ”توهان اعصابي ڊپريشن سان سڀ ڪجهه بيان ڪري سگهو ٿا. پر هن معاملي ۾، اهو ذهن ۾ رکڻ گهرجي ته اهو آخري وقت کان وٺي مون کي بالغ ٿي ويو آهي، ۽ اهو اهو آهي ته هوء مون کي ادبي فن ۾ مناسب طور تي مشغول ڪرڻ ۾ مدد ڪئي هئي.

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