ڪافي لاء مناسب وقت جو نالو ڏنو

Coffee is the best drink to cheer up in the morning, replenish energy during the day and give strength to the evening. Many of us do not let go of a cup of coffee at all during the entire working week. However, the secret of cheerfulness is not in the amount of coffee, but in the right time. Scientists have found out when coffee will bring maximum vigor.

time for coffee

Scientists from the Uniformed Services University in the United States have determined that the best time to drink coffee is from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. It is during these hours that the drink will bring our body the greatest benefit. This is reported "ڊاڪٽر پيٽر".

Researchers have studied the interaction of caffeine with cortisol, the stress hormone responsible for setting our internal clocks and feeling alert. According to them, coffee is best drunk when cortisol levels drop from their peak levels, which are observed immediately after waking up and for several hours after, reaching a peak at 8-9 in the morning.

Study author Professor Steven Miller stressed that caffeine ingested at the peak of cortisol production will become addictive over time, and we will have to drink more and more of this drink in order to feel alert. However, if we drink coffee when cortisol levels have already peaked, the body will continue to produce this hormone, allowing us to feel a surge of energy.

How else to cheer up?

Endocrinologist Zukhra Pavlova also advises not to drink coffee immediately after waking up. She compares regular coffee drinking in the morning to «borrowing» energy from the body and brain. “By constantly borrowing energy, we deplete both the nervous and endocrine systems. And it is in the morning that we don’t need this loan at all,” Zukhra Pavlova notes.

So, after waking up, it’s better to recharge your batteries with a charge or a short walk, and you should drink coffee after dinner, when your batteries run out.

In addition, the doctor drew attention to the fact that a broken feeling in the morning is an abnormal condition. The most common reasons for lack of vigor:

  • Wrong daily routine or lack of regimen;

  • Insufficient;

  • Late going to bed;

  • Too heavy dinner.

However, if awakening is difficult for unexplained reasons, you should consult a doctor — this may be a sign of health problems.

In general, caffeine is good for health and is especially valuable in combating the signs of aging. However, in everything you need to know the measure and observe the nuances, she emphasizes.

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