
Everyone wants to be happy. But if you ask what exactly we need for this, we are unlikely to answer. Stereotypes about a happy life are imposed by society, advertising, environment … But what do we ourselves want? We talk about happiness and why everyone should have their own.

Everyone is trying to understand what it means to be happy, and in many ways they are trying to achieve this. However, despite the desire to live a bright and happy life, most do not know how to achieve this.

Defining what happiness is is not easy, because we live in a world full of paradoxes. With effort, we get what we want, but we are constantly not getting enough. Today, happiness has become a myth: the same things make someone happy and someone unhappy.

In a desperate search for happiness

It is enough to «surf» the Internet to see how we are all obsessed with the search for happiness. Millions of articles teach you what to do and not to do, how to achieve it at work, in a couple or in a family. We are looking for clues to happiness, but such a search can go on forever. In the end, it becomes an empty ideal and it is no longer possible to achieve it.

The definition we give to happiness is increasingly reminiscent of romantic love, which only exists in movies.

Positive psychology constantly reminds us of the “bad” habits that we are trapped in: we wait all week for Fridays to have fun, we wait all year for vacations to relax, we dream of an ideal partner in order to understand what love is. We often mistake for happiness what society imposes:

  • a good job, a house, a latest model phone, fashionable shoes, stylish furniture in the apartment, a modern computer;
  • marital status, having children, a large number of friends.

Following these stereotypes, we turn not only into anxious consumers, but also into eternal seekers of happiness that someone has to build for us.

commercial happiness

International corporations and the advertising business are constantly studying the needs of potential customers. Often they impose needs on us in order to sell their product.

Such artificial happiness attracts our attention because everyone wants to be happy. Companies understand this, it is important for them to win the trust and love of customers. Everything is used: tricks, manipulations. They are trying to manipulate our emotions in order to force us to try a product «that is sure to bring happiness.» Manufacturers use special marketing strategies to convince us that happiness is money.

Dictatorship of happiness

In addition to the fact that happiness has become an object of consumption, it has been imposed on us as a dogma. The motto «I want to be happy» was changed to «I must be happy.» We believed in the truth: «To want is to be able.» “Nothing is impossible” or “I smile more and complain less” attitudes do not make us happy. Rather, on the contrary, we begin to think: “I wanted to, but I couldn’t, something just went wrong.”

It is important to remember that we do not have to want to be happy, and that failure to achieve a goal is not always our fault.

What does happiness consist of?

This is a subjective feeling. Every day we experience different emotions, they are caused by both positive and negative events. Each emotion is useful and has a specific function. Emotions give meaning to our existence and turn everything that happens to us into a valuable experience.

What do you need to be happy?

There is not and cannot be a universal formula for happiness. We have different tastes, character traits, we experience different experiences from the same events. What makes one happy, brings sadness to another.

Happiness is not in the next purchase of a T-shirt with a life-affirming inscription. You cannot build your own happiness, focusing on other people’s plans and goals. Being happy is much easier: you just need to ask yourself the right questions and start looking for answers, regardless of the imposed standards.

One of the most effective tips on the path to finding happiness: do not listen to others, make those decisions that seem right to you.

If you want to spend your weekend reading books, don’t listen to those who say you’re boring. If you feel that you are happy being alone, forget about those who insist on the need for a relationship.

If your eyes light up when you’re doing a job you love but don’t make a profit, ignore those who say you don’t earn enough.

My plans for today: be happy

No need to put off happiness until later: until Friday, until the holidays, or until the time when you have your own home or the perfect partner. You are living in this very moment.

Of course, we have obligations, and there will always be someone who believes that it is impossible to feel happy under the weight of daily responsibility at work and at home. But whatever you do, ask yourself more often what you are wondering why you are doing this job now. For whom are you doing it: for yourself or for others. Why waste your life on someone else’s dreams?

Aldous Huxley wrote: «Now everyone is happy.» Isn’t it attractive to find your own happiness, not like an imposed model?

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