وزن گھٽائڻ جي ترغيب: ڪيئن پاڻ کي متحرڪ ڪجي وزن گھٽائڻ لاءِ؟

وزن گھٽائڻ جي ترغيب: ڪيئن پاڻ کي متحرڪ ڪجي وزن گھٽائڻ لاءِ؟

One of the most important problems women care about is losing weight. There are an immense number of ways to lose weight: from the simplest and “free” to the most sophisticated and costing a lot of money. Here, as they say, it all depends on your capabilities and, most importantly, motivation for losing weight. How to properly motivate yourself to lose weight and what you need to do for this?

The correct motivation for losing weight is in itself a pretty weighty claim that you will achieve your goal and lose weight exactly as you intended. It is especially gratifying that there are several different ways to motivate yourself to lose weight.

Motivation for losing weight: 5 most important

The topic of weight loss will always be relevant. And motivation for losing weight is its eternal cornerstone. Weight is an extremely unstable value and cannot be held constantly without overcoming the desire to eat a lot and what you want, and internal motivation for losing weight. Whatever one may say, but the thought of extra pounds that interfere with life always revolves around the same reasons. Let’s list the most basic and common ones.

  • “And you got fat!”. Who wants to hear such a phrase, especially from people close to them? Unfortunately, we are not always surrounded by people who are tactful and who want only the best for us. Even if you didn’t care much about your figure, and you don’t care what others say, this thought will still come back to you, and sooner or later you will think, “Isn’t it true?”. It turns out that the opinion of others is precisely the very motivation for losing weight, which women are guided by when they go on a diet and spend time in the gym.

  • “I don’t fit into my favorite dress!”. If the problem of impolite friends and family has bypassed you, then your clothes will easily remind you of the extra pounds. If last year everything was in good time for you, but this year the zipper on your favorite dress is hardly fastened or does not fasten at all – then, of course, you need to think about it. But that’s only if you really care about your figure. There are women who do not care and, probably, they are happy women, they are worried about other things. So, the motivation for losing weight – getting into your favorite dress and not buying a new one – is also very important and objective.

  • “I want beautiful photos on the beach!” Summer, sun, sea … we all want to look “5 plus”, so that men do not take admiring glances from our forms, so that friends will appreciate, so that the swimsuit looks beneficial. What is not a motivation for losing weight? The beach is one of those places where all our flaws are visible to the naked eye. To defile on the warm sand, sparkling with chic shapes, and not just a beautiful tan, you need to take care of your figure in advance.

  • “How hard it is to walk and breathe!” owners of curvaceous forms will not let you lie, extra pounds is not only an aesthetic problem, but also the cause of various diseases: varicose veins, edema, shortness of breath, diabetes, problems with the heart and hormone-producing organs (thyroid, pancreas, ovaries, etc.) ). health is the most important motivation for losing weight, and no one can argue with that. Usually, doctors, starting the treatment of such diseases in overweight people, first of all tell them that it is worth losing weight. Getting rid of extra pounds you will make your body lighter, which means that the load on all organs, including the skeleton, becomes less, which radically changes the situation.

  • “Girl, can I meet you?” If you do not touch on the topic of health, then the most important factor influencing the motivation for losing weight is the desire to please men. Alas, in spite of everything, men meet women “by their clothes”. It is impossible to speak for everyone, but their share is huge. At the very beginning, they evaluate our appearance, and then our “rich and deep inner world”. And even if they say that they do not care, you need to believe such words with caution. A woman should always be beautiful and desirable, and this is the most good motivation for losing weight.

Motivation for losing weight: what to do? where to begin?

So where should we start?

  • 1. To begin with, choose the reason due to which you came to the idea of ​​losing weight. Evaluate How long this really motivates you to lose weight and is the game worth the candle?

  • 2. If the incentive is found and the desire to lose weight has appeared, willingly to make sacrifices and change your daily routine and diet, then firmly decide that you are not starting the process of losing weight tomorrow and on Monday, but right now.

  • 3. If you woke up the next day and got up with the thought that now you will strive for the desired forms, then start reviewing your diet, starting with breakfast. It is best to eat food rich in carbohydrates and proteins in the morning, and do not forget about vitamins and minerals. You should also dine fairly generously to provide yourself with energy for the rest of the day. But supper is worth something light and not high in calories. The last meal should be 4-5 hours before bed, so you free your digestive tract from work at night. At night, you can drink a glass of water or kefir.

  • 4. The “main enemies” of your figure – sweets, pastries and fats – should be discussed separately. No one is forcing you to completely abandon these, albeit harmful, but, for the most part, such delicious products. You just need to know the measure of their consumption.

  • 5. Motivation for losing weight first of all leads us to thoughts about diets. There are a huge number of diets for every taste and color, only a nutritionist can advise you about the effectiveness and rigor of each of them. But dieting is not the only measure to motivate you to lose weight.

  • 6. Sports. Leading an active lifestyle and playing sports is what absolutely all nutritionists advise. The most common “sport” for women is the fitness room, and this is no longer a bad thing. If you do any sport individually, even better. In our time, yoga classes have gained popularity. Even in spite of the apparently inactive process of yoga, as a result, almost as many calories are burned as on a treadmill or on an exercise bike.

  • 7. Well, in conclusion, it is necessary to abandon the words “I can not.” Motivation for losing weight is called so that it throws away all your weaknesses and prepares your body to lose those extra pounds with the help of only your efforts.

Motivation for losing weight, as we can see, is different, but the desire and the result always depends only on you. You should be clearly aware of whether you really want to have a beautiful figure. Only having the incentive and the will to achieve the desired result can the motivation for losing weight come true. Go for it!

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