
After the divorce, we find new partners. Perhaps they and we already have children. Joint vacation in this situation can be a daunting task. Solving it, we risk making mistakes. Psychotherapist Elodie Signal explains how to avoid them.

Much depends on How long time has passed since the new family was formed. Families that have been together for several years have fewer worries. And if this is your first vacation, you should take precautions. Don’t try to spend the whole vacation together. Can half the time to spend with the whole family and half to leave for each parent to communicate with his own children. This is important so that the child does not feel abandoned, because, spending the holidays with new family members, the parent is unlikely to be able to give exclusive attention to his own child.

Everyone plays!

Choose activities that everyone can participate in. After all, if you start a game of paintball, the younger ones will only have to watch, and they will get bored. And if you go to Legoland, then the elders will start to yawn. There is also a risk that someone will be in the favorites. Choose activities that suit everyone: horseback riding, swimming pool, hiking, cooking classes…

Family traditions should be respected. Intellectuals don’t want to roller-skate. Sports people get bored in the museum. Try to find a compromise by suggesting a bike that doesn’t require much athletic skill. If each of the children has their own interests, the parents can separate. In a complex family, one must be able to negotiate, as well as talk about what we have lost. Another thing to remember: teenagers are often offended, and this does not depend on the composition of the family.

Authority on trust

You should not set a goal to look like an ideal family. Vacation is the first time we are together 24 hours a day. Hence the risk of satiety and even rejection. Give your child the opportunity to be alone or play with peers. Don’t force him to be with you at any cost.

Give your child the opportunity to be alone or play with peers

We proceed from the assumption that a complex family is a father, mother, stepmother and stepfather and brothers and sisters. But it is necessary that the child communicates with the parent, who is not with him now. Ideally, they should talk on the phone twice a week. The new family includes ex-spouses as well.

Disagreements are put aside during vacations. Everything softens, parents relax and allow a lot. They are more accommodating, and children are more naughty. I once witnessed how children show dislike for their stepmother and flatly refuse to remain in her company. But later they spent three weeks of vacation with her. Just don’t expect a new partner to quickly win the trust of children. The new parenting role involves caution and flexibility. Collisions are possible, but in general, the development of relationships depends on the adult.

You can earn credibility with a child only through trust..

If the child says, “You are not my father” or “You are not my mother,” in response to a remark or request, remind him that this is already known, and this is not a formality.

New brothers and sisters

In most cases, children like new siblings, especially if they are around the same age. This allows them to team up for beach and pool fun. But it is more difficult to combine small children and teenagers. It’s good when there are older people who enjoy messing around with the younger ones. But this does not mean that they dream about it. They do not want to deprive themselves of communication with their peers. It is better for small children to be taken care of by their siblings.

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