Men’s makeup: opinions for and against

Finally, the stereotypes that only women should use cosmetics are fading into the background.

Modern men want to be as beautiful and well-groomed as women, and this is not surprising. If care products for the stronger sex no longer surprise anyone, then make-up products are a little shocking. Many brands began to produce separate lines of makeup products for men, for example, the Boy de Chanel collection includes not only a matte lip balm, but also an eyebrow pencil and tonal fluid.

On the question of whether men need such makeup products and whether they use them, we have accurate confirmation. We received a letter from an anonymous author, in which there is evidence that men are not averse to using tonal means.

“We started dating recently with my boyfriend Nikita. I like everything about him, but he has such a funny feature that I want to tell you about. He … wears makeup! And secretly!

It is clear that I found out about this by pure chance. It was our first weekend out of town together. We settled in a small house at a camp site. In the evening, when I went to the shower, I found a jar of foundation on the sink. I then thought that the staff just cleaned the room badly and forgot to remove the bottle left from past visitors. But the next morning I noticed my faithful going to the bathroom and dragging something with him. This something, of course, did not look like a toothbrush at all!

– What have you got there? – I could not resist, so as not to be curious.

“Foundation,” he said, a little confused, and opened his hand to show.

There really was a foundation. And what a! Lancome!

– Where did you get it from? What for?

– Well … I have bruises under my eyes … I don’t like them. So I went to a cosmetic store to pick up something for me, ”he explained, a little less bewildered.

I, of course, was a little taken aback. Wow, he has a desire for beauty! This is what a Muscovite means (I myself am a visitor). Apparently, I was in vain surprised when my friends told me similar stories! An acquaintance had a boyfriend working somewhere in a fashion boutique and eerily bragging about his collection of Shiseido menswear products. Another boyfriend was embarrassed by his pimply back, so he smeared it with foundation. Even on the beach! And how it all, according to the stories of a friend, flowed when he was in the sun! Terrible.

And it also became a little offensive. Because I can’t afford Lancome foundation yet. And in general, is this normal? “

Alika Zhukova ، خوبصورتي ايڊيٽر:

– Once my classmate came to a couple with bruises under his eyes smeared with foundation. His skin was fair, but the product was yellowish. It looked like he was going to Halloween, but he came to the couples. Then it terribly embarrassed me, and not because he used foundation, but because the consultants in the store could not help him and choose the right shade. I think that men can absolutely safely use decorative cosmetics, but on condition that it will only emphasize beauty.

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Andrey Sadov ، فيشن ايڊيٽر:

– Whether to use makeup or not is everyone’s business. If there is something to hide or a person does not like his reflection in the mirror, then there is a painless way to fix it: use a make-up. True, everything should be in moderation and look natural – without a layer of makeup and aggressive contouring and other things.

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