mosquا مitر ڪورونا وائرس منتقل ڪري سگھن ٿا؟

mosquا مitر ڪورونا وائرس منتقل ڪري سگھن ٿا؟


layيھر ڏسو

Doctor Martin Blachier, public health doctor, gives his answer concerning the transmission of the coronavirus by mosquitoes. The virus is not one of the microorganisms that are not transmitted through mosquito bites. The doctor recalls that transmission is mainly through fine droplets of saliva.

In addition, the World Health Organization answered this question by specifying that Covid-19 is linked to a respiratory virus. “Which is spread primarily through contact with an infected person, through respiratory droplets emitted when a person, for example, coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or nasal secretions. To date, there is no information or evidence to suggest that 2019-nCov could be transmitted by mosquitoes ”. There is a number of false information about the virus and it is important to verify it before spreading it or claiming it to be true. 

انٽرويو ورتو ويو 19.45 جي صحافين پاران هر شام M6 تي.

PasseportSanté ٽيم ڪم ڪري رهي آهي توهان کي مهيا ڪرڻ لاءِ قابل اعتماد ۽ تازه ترين معلومات ڪورونا وائرس تي. 

و findيڪ ​​findولڻ لاءِ ، findوليو: 

  • اسان جي بيماريءَ جو ورق ڪورونا وائرس تي 
  • اسان جو روزانو اپڊيٽ ٿيل خبر آرٽيڪل حڪومتي سفارشون جاري ڪري ٿو
  • اسان جو مڪمل پورٽل Covid-19 تي


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